How Moon Phases Affect Our Universe

The Moon and its phases have taken on a deeper meaning since the dawn of civilization. For the Moon and the Earth have a close-knit relationship, it is our only natural occurring satellite. Lucky us, because according to NASA, its presence keeps our climate in-check and makes our planet a hospitable place to live.The movement of Luna (the Latin word for Moon) dictates the tides, coincides with the menstrual cycle and keeps the natural rhythm of our world. It is the perfect personification of our Universe’s pattern.

It takes 29.5 days for the Moon to move through eight phases and complete its orbit around the Earth. Each phase depends on the Moon’s position in relation to our Sun. While they are both categorized as luminaries or “light giving bodies,” the Moon doesn’t emit light at all, what we observe is simply a reflection of the Sun’s light.

As the Moon goes through the waxing phases it appears to expand, after the Full Moon it will start to wan and seemingly contract. The distinct phases have their own energetic resonance, in direct correlation to the major astrological aspects. These are fundamental angles between any given celestial bodies from our geocentric (earthly) point of view, not just the Sun and Moon.

During the crescent phases, the Moon is sextile (60° from) the Sun, an easy and free-flowing influence. Obstacles may appear with the quarter or half-moons, when these two create a challenging square (90°) aspect— signifying tension and a pivotal point. The gibbous phases bring harmony and understanding when the luminaries are in a beneficial trine (120° angle.) These all occur twice in one lunar cycle, while new moons (Conjunction 0° apart) and full moons (Opposition, 180° apart) only occur once. Nonetheless, every phase acts as a cosmic checkpoint or building block.
The New Moon

The New Moon marks the start of the lunar cycle, and is therefore synonymous with new beginnings and setting intentions. This phase typically lasts for one to three days, when the Moon appears to be completely dark, with just a tiny sliver of light showing. The Sun and Moon are perfectly aligned in the same zodiac sign.This powerful meeting is believed to blend or combine energies, making new moons a great time to set goals. It’s a monthly clean slate. This phase represents renewal and potential— but it doesn’t just kick-off a 29.5 day cycle, it is also the beginning of a larger six month cycle that ends with the Full Moon in the same zodiac sign.
The Waxing Phases

As the Moon grows in size for the next 11-13 days there is a build up and increase in energy. The three phases during this expansion period are the Waxing Crescent, First Quarter (Waxing Half-Moon) and the Waxing Gibbous, related to moving forward, growth and attraction/gain. This is an ideal period for taking action because it brings plenty of momentum that peaks with the Full Moon.

The Full Moon

The culmination— this phase brings fruition, as the Full Moon is associated with completion and achievement, bringing an end to a larger six month cycle. Luna’s face is fully illuminated because it is in direct opposition to the Sun, often bringing a need to compromise and balance. The Moon has reached its brightest state, it is the height of its journey which may promote clarity, motivation and the need to overcome something.

The duration of this phase is about three days, afterwards the Moon starts to diminish or wan, along with the energetic level.
The Waning Phases

During the waning phases, there is reflection and release as the Moon begins to disappear; this is the contraction. Luna goes through this stage for 11-13 days and carries themes of cleansing, letting go and purifying; with the harmonious Waning Gibbous Moon, the challenging Fourth Quarter (Waning Half-Moon) and the easy-breezy Waning Crescent.

The period in between the Waning Crescent and the next New Moon is called the Dark or Balsamic Moon, which can last for one to three days. This is usually a time of low energy and rest before the cycle repeats.

The lunar cycle is a never ending stream of endings and beginnings, death and rebirth— and this doesn’t always occur on an external level. In fact, the Moon rules our emotions and inner-self. Her trajectory teaches us duality and balance. When we become aware of or work in-tandem with the phases of the Moon, we tap into the pulse of our Universe. This prompts one to think that maybe our thoughts, feelings and decisions really do contribute to the grand scheme of things.

Experience these cosmic wonders from Stellara Resort, a luxury astrology and astronomy retreat designed for romantic getaways. Nestled in the heart of nature, Stellara offers private stargazing decks, computerized telescopes, and astrology-inspired amenities to elevate your celestial escape. Book your stay today and let the stars guide your journey.